
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Secretary of American Battle Monuments Commission Max Cleland

Envelope from Secretary of American Battle Monuments Commission Max Cleland

Secretary Cleland sent me his memoir book to me

Secretary Max Cleland message to me "A Great American I'm Proud of you"

He sent me American Battle Monuments Commission medal

"You're Terrific" Max Cleland

Secretary Max Cleland message "Matthew God Bless You"

Here is a what I wrote to him:
Senator Max Cleland
American Battle Monuments Commission
2300 Clarendon Blvd
Arlington, VA 22201

Dear Senator Cleland,

My name is Matthew Winick with a strong interest in history. History is my favorite subject because I enjoy learning not to repeat the same mistakes, the need to advance on Civil Rights legislation to protect people who are different from discrimination, to honor troops or famous people who made a difference or risk their lives to protect us, and find ways to avoid war or get into conflict with other countries. Mr. Cleland I have read your book Strong at the Broken Places and Heart of a Patriot: How I found the Courage to Survive Vietnam, Water Reed, and Karl Rove. Your book really moved me because I felt sorry about how you lost your legs by having a triple amputee due to a grenade explosion during the Vietnam War, how you had physical therapy to help you improve, to not give up on your disability, and your courage with making a difference in the Senate by having a good heart of a patriot and to make a world a better place. Your books really helped with inspire me to not give up hope because I have autism with a learning disability. Having a disability is very difficult for me because I have trouble speaking along with comprehending on learning different subjects. “Strong at the Broken Places” and “Heart of a Patriot: How I found the Courage to Survive Vietnam, Water Reed, and Karl Rove” really help motivate me to not give up when having a disability, to work hard to learn new subjects, and to continue on working on different hobbies.

Senator Cleland I am really amazed about when you were in the Senate having the courage to support veterans with troops to get the care they need, support protecting the environment from pollution, and help protect people who are different from discrimination. Your memoir and your hard work in the Senate really made a great difference for our country. In 2009 I was very proud to see you get appointed by President Obama to be the Secretary of American Battle Monuments Commission. With your experience as a survivor of the Vietnam War, being an Administrator of Veterans Affair, and being a U.S. Senator from Georgia with great work I am confident that you will make a great difference honoring the men, women, youth, people with disabilities, and veterans who risk their lives in wars to protect us from danger. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, help give me confidence through your books to overcome my disability, and make a great difference for America and history. I will donate some money to help your cause.


Matthew Winick

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