Senator Dennis DeConcini
DeConcini McDonald Yetwin
& Lacy, P.C.
Suite 200
2525 East Broadway Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85716-5300
Dear Senator DeConcini,
My name is Matthew Winick
and I recently read your book “Senator Dennis DeConcini: From The Center of The
Aisle”. The book was great and I enjoy reading it. As a person with an interest
in history with learning about government your book helped me understand what a
U.S. Senator can do in Congress with a moderate view. Senator DeConcini, I was
amazed by your work on helping support President Jimmy Carter on to get the
Senate to pass the Panama Canal Treaty to help improve relations between the
U.S. and Panama, helping Sandra Day O’Connor get nominated for the Supreme
Court, your work to help American Natives with their property, and helping
President Bill Clinton pass his 1993 budget bill. Your book really helped me
understand your courage to break from ideology and to find ways to work with
other different political party. Also in your book I really enjoy learning
about your early life, your career as an attorney before becoming a U.S.
Senator of Arizona, and your work in the Senate.
Senator DeConcini, I did
some more research after reading your book.
On the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 I was very proud of you
for joining U.S. Senators from both political parties like Ted Kennedy, Richard
Lugar, Alan K. Simpson, George Mitchell, Tom Harkin, Bob Dole, and John Chaffee
to supporting the legislation because The ADA helped benefit me. I have Autism
with a learning disability. Having a disability is hard for me because I have
trouble speaking when I am communicating with other people and I struggle to
comprehend learning new subjects at a regular pace. The Americans With Disability Act of 1990 really made a difference for me because it
expanded Civil Rights to help protect me from being discriminated in public,
education, jobs, and many others and it helped me get an education from
elementary school through community college. In Education the ADA helped set up
accommodations like extra time on exams with taking exams in a different area
to reduce distractions, have T.A. with tutor to work with me on learning on
subjects with improving on comprehension, use technology including a recorder
to assist me on improving note-taking when listening to lectures, and special
education programs with learning support services helped assist me by setting
up accommodations with setting up which classes to take. In 2014 I was able to get my Associates Degrees
in Liberal Arts at Washtenaw Community College with the help from the ADA. In Liberal Arts my main focus is history,
government, business, science, and the criminal justice. I plan on using what I
learn from these subjects is to continue exploring with studying history to
understand the to advance on Civil Rights to protect people who are different
from discrimination, the need to protect the environment from pollution by
having environmental protection with implementing renewable energy, need for
peace negotiations with human rights to reduce tensions between different
countries, a strong need for checks and balances to reduce crime while
protecting people’s civil liberties, and many others. Also for the future I
want to use history as a tool to teach people or work in a museum about the
need to improve society and help create good ideas to help solve problems that
we face.
Your book is a great
example of what it is like to be a U.S. Senator, the need to find ways to work
with another U.S. President, and how it is important to find ways to solve
different issues by working with another party. Senator DeConcini, your work on supporting the
ADA really inspires me to continue on learning new subjects and the ADA helped
benefit me for education, Civil Rights, and the future. Your work really makes a great difference and
thanks again for supporting the Americans With Disabilities Act. Thanks for
taking the time to read my letter and making a great difference for me. I want
to wish you well at DeConcini McDonald Yetwin & Lacy, P.C. to continue
making a difference for society.
Matthew B. Winick