
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Former U.S. Attorney Roxanne Conlin for the South District of Iowa

Attorney Roxanne Conlin
c/o Roxanne Conlin & Associates, P.C.
Suite 600
319 7th Street
Des Moines, IA  50309

Dear Attorney Conlin,

My name is Matthew Winick with a strong interest in learning history, public policy, and criminal justice system.  The main reason I enjoy learning these subjects is to learn the need to advance on Civil Rights to help protect people who are different from being discriminated, protect the environment from pollution, combat against political corruption to improve public trust, and many others. My main goal from learning these subjects is to someday teach history to help people learn the need to improve society and help work with other people on creating good policies to make a great difference.  Attorney Conlin, I find your work as former U.S. Attorney for the South District of Iowa to be very inspiring to me.

In  1977, I liked on how you made history by becoming the first woman to be appointed as U.S. Attorney by President Jimmy Carter.  In your role as U.S. Attorney, I was very proud on how you were a strong supporter of supporting Civil Rights and prosecuting discriminatory practices to help protect minorities, women, and people with disabilities from being discriminated.  Your approach to combating against drug crime by prosecuting drug dealers with putting them behind bars while advocating for drug treatment programs to help drug addicts get the treatment they need to reduce getting addicted again is a common sense approach.  Another thing I liked in your role as U.S. Attorney was on how you prosecuted public officials like legislators, politicians, and judicial members who accept bribes or who commit corruption.  After you left your role as U.S. Attorney, I am very proud of you for your commitment to be  a advocate for women’s rights to be protected from being discriminated based on gender or losing right to choose.  Another thing that I liked is how you are an advocate for people with disabilities’ rights and support protecting them from being discriminated in education, jobs, and public places.

Attorney Conlin, I have Autism with a learning disability. Having a disability is hard for me because I have trouble with comprehending on learning different subjects and many others. Your work as a U.S. Attorney, supporting Civil Rights, and supporting people with disabilities’ rights really inspires me to work hard on Autism and helps me feel safe when I get teased.  In 2014, I enjoyed taking Intro to Criminal Justice, a criminal justice class at Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor, Michigan. In the class I enjoyed learning about how the court system works, Miranda Rights, law enforcement, civil liberties, and many others. Also my criminal justice instructor explained to me and worked with me on creating ideas to reform the criminal justice system liked funding DNA testing with forensic science to reduce wrongful conviction, have treatment programs to help drug addicts get treatment they need, have community service for non-violent offenders including juveniles to help rehabilitate so they won’t re-offend, the need for community relations with law enforcement to reduce tensions, have a commission to investigate corruption in judicial or law enforcement , and many others.  Your role as U.S. Attorney really inspired me to be interested in continuing learning history and have an interest in learning about the criminal justice with the need for reform.  My letter is a gift to you to help honor Women History Month for March because I strongly believe that you make a great difference in society.

I strongly believe that you really make a great difference in your role as a U.S. Attorney and as an advocate for people who are different.  You have truly inspired me to work hard on Autism and continue learning history including the need to reform the criminal justice system.  Here is a picture of me as a gift to you for inspiring me. Thanks for taking the time to read my letter, working hard to make a great difference, and inspiring me.

Matthew B. Winick

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