Saturday, December 1, 2018

Mr. Fred Weller Actor


   Mr. Fred Weller                 
To Kill A Mockingbird
c/o Shubert Theatre
225 W 44th Street
New York, NY  10036

Dear Mr. Weller,

My name is Matt Winick and I’m a fan of your acting. My favorite tv show that you played in was In Plain Sight.  In Plain Sight is a great show about Deputy U.S. Marshal Mary Shannon who works in the Federal Witness Protection Program to help protect people who are placed in it while dealing with her family issues.  Mr. Weller, I thought you did an excellent job portraying as Deputy U.S. Marshal Marshall Mann because I liked on how you made Marshal Mann have great traits like caring about his partner Deputy U.S. Marshall Shannon when she has difficulty in life or on the job, caring about people who are victims of crime or who need do be protected in the witness program, and many others. In Plain Sight I really enjoyed seeing the partnership and friendship between Deputy U.S. Marshall Shannon and Mann on how they work together to solve a case or help each other when they face different obstacles.  

Mr. Weller, I have autism with a learning disability. Having a disability is hard for me because I have trouble comprehending on learning different advance subjects, sometimes I struggle to communicate my thoughts, and get teased.   Also another thing that I struggle with a disability is when I have trouble with friendships when other people tease me or get judgmental about me being different from them.  Your role as Deputy U.S. Marshal Mann, In Plain Sight, and Deputy U.S. Marshal Mann with Deputy U.S. Marshall Shannon’s friendship really inspires me to work hard on my disability, learn the importance of friendships when times get hard, and many others.  I really enjoyed watching season 1 through 5 of In Plain Sights because I had fun watching U.S. Marshall Mary deal with her co-workers and her family.

I strongly believe that you made In Plain Sight a great tv show.  Also you are a very talented actor and did such an excellent job making Deputy U.S. Marshal Mann a great character with different traits. You and the cast of In Plain Sight really inspires me to work hard on my disability and understand the importance of friendships.  I was wondering if you could please take the time to answer some of my questions.  Also here is $5 for you to use to donate to the theatre to help support the arts and a picture of me as a gift to you for inspiring me.  Thanks for taking the time to read my letter, working hard to make a great impact on society, and inspiring me.  I wish you the best in acting and I hope that someday In Plain Sight could come back for a special.


Matt Winick

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