Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Donna Loren "Dr. Pepper Girl"

Ms. Donna Loren
P.O. Box  2008
Idyllwild, CA  92549

Dear Ms. Loren,

My name is Matt Winick and I’m a fan of your work as a singer and your life.   I liked on how you got started into becoming a singer when you made an appearance on The Mickey Mouse Club where you sang I didn’t Know the Gun was Loaded and Pennies from Heaven.  I enjoy watching some of the Dr. Pepper commercials on Youtube and you did an excellent job portraying as Dr. Pepper Girl  because I liked on how you tell a short story about Dr. Pepper during an cartoon animation and sang songs about Dr. Pepper having a great taste and how drinking Dr. Pepper is cool doing different things.  In some of the beach movies like  Bikini Beach, Pajama Party,  Beach Blanket Bingo,  Muscle Beach Party I thought you really did a great job making Love’s A Secret Weapon, Among the Young,  Muscle Bustle, and It Only Hurts When I Cry because I liked on how you made the songs creative, have a sense of humor, and how the beach theme movies would have a balance between comedy and what a typical beach life is like.   Also I really enjoy listening to some of your songs Last Night I Had a Dream, Love It Away, Still Love You, and Be Your Best Friend.  Besides your singing career I like on how you are an activist on supporting Civil Rights including people with disabilities causes to help reduce discrimination and support funding the arts to make them diverse for society.

Ms. Loren, I have autism with a learning disability. Having a disability is hard for me because I have trouble comprehending on learning different advance subjects, sometimes I struggle to communicate my thoughts, and get teased.  Your commitment to be a strong supporter and advocate for Civil Rights including people with disabilities’ rights really inspires me to work hard on my disability. Recently I visited Disney Hollywood Studios where I explore an exhibit of Walt Disney’s life and in the exhibit I saw about how the Mickey Mouse Club helped changed young people with singing talent to become famous or expand their talent. When I saw part of t he Mickey Mouse Club I saw your name and I enjoyed learning how you become talented.  As a result of the Walt Disney Exhibit, it helped me get interested learning about your career in singing. When I was in middle school I used to watch the beach theme movies like Pajama Party, Bikini Beach, and many others and when you sang I use to dance along with it. One of my favorite songs in those movies was “Among The Young”

I strongly believe that you really made a great difference in the music industry. I’m very proud on how you worked hard making songs, beach songs, and Dr. Pepper commercials have a creativity, sense of humor, and some swing.  You have inspired me to work hard on my disability, learn about your career in singing, and be a fan of you.  I was wondering if you could please take the time to answer some of my questions.   Here is $25 as a donation for you to use to help fund the arts.  Thanks for taking the time to read my letter, making a great difference in the music entertainment, and inspiring me.  I wish you the best for the future.


Matt Winick

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