Saturday, April 6, 2019

Judge Mary Chrzanowski from Michigan "Judge Scary Mary" Face The Truth

Judge Mary Chrzanowski 
Face The Truth
c/o Paramount Studios
5555 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, CA  90038

Dear Judge Chrzanowski,

My name is Matt Winick from Ann Arbor, Michigan and I have a strong interest in learning history including social justice.  In these subjects, I like to learn the need to make Civil Rights stronger to reduce discrimination, have criminal justice reform to help protect people’s rights while reduce crime, and many others.  Judge Chrzanowski,  the main reason I’m writing you a letter is to explain how I find your work when you served as Judge for the 16th Circuit Court in Macomb County, Michigan and currently as co-host of Face The Truth to be very inspiring to me.

When you served as judge for the 16th Circuit Court in Macomb County, Michigan from 1993-2017,  I truly appreciate on how you were a strong supporter of Civil Rights by advocating for people with disabilities’ rights and pushing for strict sentencing for people who commit hate-crime to help protect minorities including people who are different.  Supporting drug treatment programs to help drug-users get the care they need and expressing the need for funds to improve DNA testing including forensic science to help reduce sending an innocent person to jail while solve cases efficiently is common sense for criminal justice reform. On victims’ rights, I really like on how you advocate for the need for better protection of victim’s rights when they deal with trauma from a crime or abuse and support more programs to help assist them on getting counseling.   Another thing that I liked about your work when you served as judge in the 16th Circuit Court in Macomb County, Michigan was how you would work in the drug court program where you would do a follow up on some of the addicts to see how they are doing the treatment program and give advice to them on how they can get back on track.   Recently I started  to watch Face The Truth and I enjoy watching it. Face The Truth is an interesting show about how you, Dr. Judy Ho, Rosie Marcado, Vivica A. Fox, and attorney Areva Martin  would work together to provide advice to people who deal with different difficult issues like relationship problems, mental health, bullying, and may others.  In the show I think that you do an excellent job giving advice on how to find ways to improve yourself, how to understand how to better relationship, and some legal advice when there is an legal issue.

Judge Chrzanowski, I have autism with a learning disability. Having a disability is hard for me because I have trouble comprehending on learning different advance subjects, sometimes I struggle to communicate my thoughts, and get teased.  Your commitment  to be a strong supporter of Civil Rights including people with disabilities’ rights really inspires me to work hard on my disability. Your role as former judge for the 16th Circuit Court in Macomb County, Michigan gives me motivation to continue to learn social justice and history.  My future goal is to someday work in these areas to help emphasize the need to make Civil Rights stronger to reduce discrimination, improve social justice to make communities a better place, have criminal justice reform to help protect people’s rights while reduce crime, and many others.  Another thing that your work with the other hosts on Face The Truth helps me try to understand different solutions to problems like understanding how friendship works, what are the bets steps for a relationship, how to know signals of a toxic friendship, and many others.  The host and Face The Truth helps me to continue to work hard on my disability.

I strongly believe that you have made a great difference in judicial system. I’m very proud on how you work hard on supporting civil rights, pushing for criminal justice reform, and continuing to work with other host of Face The Truth to help shape people’s live or give ideas how to solve a problem.  You have inspired me to work hard on my disability,   learn different subjects, and be a fan of Face The Truth.  I was wondering if you could also please take the time to give me some advice about how to work hard on my disability and what it is like being a host of Face The Truth on a sheet of paper.  Thanks for taking the time to read my letter, doing an excellent job making a great difference for society including people’s lives, and inspiring me. I wish you the best to continue to make a great difference.


Matt Winick

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