Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Honorable William H. Webster from Washington D.C.

Honorable William H. Webster
Member of Advisory Committee
c/o Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission
1629 K Street, NW  Suite 801
Washington, D.C.  20006

Dear Honorable William Webster,

My name is Matt Winick from Ann Arbor, Michigan with a strong interest in learning history. In these subjects, I like to learn the need to advance on Civil Rights to reduce discrimination, have checks and balances in the criminal justice system to protect people’s civil liberties while reduce crime, and many others. Honorable Webster, the main reason I’m writing you a letter is because I find your work as Director of FBI and current Chairman of the Homeland Security Advisory Council to be very inspiring to me.

In 1978, I was very proud on how you accepted President Jimmy Carter to be appointed to become the Director of the FBI.  When you served as FBI Director from 1978-1987, I liked on how you were a strong supporter of protecting Civil Rights from being weakened, combating against hate-crime, and being committed to protect women, minorities, and people with disabilities from being discriminated in education with public places.  Another thing that I liked about your work as FBI Director is how you worked hard with other federal agencies including President Jimmy Carter and President Ronald Reagan to help end the New York mafia groups to help reduce crime.   In your role as Director of Central Intelligence,  I was very proud on how you worked hard with President George H.W. Bush on finding ways to keep our country safe, work with other federal agencies to reduce crime, and many others.  When Barack Obama became President of the Unites States I liked on how you continued to serve as Chairman of Homeland Security Advisory Council to help President Obama to work hard on finding ways to improve intelligence while protect civil liberties.   Another thing that I really liked on your role on the Homeland Security Advisory Council is how you are a continuous supporter of Civil Rights, advocate for people with disabilities’ rights,  express the need for the criminal justice system to end racial profiling to help protect minorities including immigrants from being oppressed, and vigorously continue to support basic civil liberties like the 1st amendment to protect freedom of speech and the 4th amendment to help protect people from unreasonable search warrants.   

Honorable Webster,  I have autism with a learning disability. Having a disability is hard for me because I have trouble comprehending on learning different advance subjects, sometimes I struggle to communicate my thoughts, and get teased. Your continuous strong supporter of Civil Rights including people with disabilities’ rights really inspires me to work hard on my disability.  Also your role as Director of FBI and as Chairman of the Homeland Security Advisory Council gives me motivation to continue to learn history. My future goal is to someday work in this area to help emphasize the need to make Civil Rights stronger to reduce discrimination, protect the environment from pollution, have checks and balances to help protect people’s civil liberties while reduce crime, and many others. 

I strongly believe that you made a great difference serving in public service. I’m very proud on how you worked hard to combat against crime while protect people’s civil liberties, support civil rights, and many others. You truly inspire me to work hard on my disability, learn more about your work, and to continue to learn history. I was wondering if you could please share with me what it was like serving as FBI Director and as Chairman of the  Homeland Security Advisory Council. Please continue to advocate for common sense ideas.


Matt Winick

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