Sunday, May 5, 2019

Mr. John Larroquette actor

Mr. John Larroquette       
Nantucket Sleigh Ride (Until May 5 2019)
c/o Mitzi E. Newhouse Theater
Lincoln Center
150 West 65th Street
New York, NY  10023

Dear Mr. Larroquette,

My name is Matt Winick and I’m a fan of your acting.  My favorite tv shows that you played in were Night Court and McBride.  Night Court was a great comedy show about a Criminal Court where it has a young judge Harry stone where he has to deal with different antics in his courtroom.  In Night Court I liked on how each of the main characters would have a sense of humor and how when they had differences they would have a friendships.  In Night Court I thought you did an excellent job making Daniel Fielding have different unique traits like have a sense of humor,  making cruel remarks while have compassion for people who have struggles, and working to continue his friendship with Judge Stone,  public defender Christine Sullivan,  court clerk Mac Robinson, and some of the plantiff like Bull and Roz.  McBride was another tv movies series that liked. McBride had a great story about a former LAPD cop Mike McBride who decides to become a lawyer when he loses faith in the judicial system and works with a detective  and a former public defender to solve cases and to prove innocent people whoa are accused of a crime.  Mr. Larroquette, I think that you did an excellent job making Mike McBride a great character with different traits like examining different evidence at a crime scene including witness statements, using his lawyer skills to understand how the law works to help clients, and partnering  Phil Newberry and detective Roberta Hansen to solve cases. 

Mr. Larroquette, I have autism with a learning disability. Having a disability is hard for me because I have trouble comprehending on learning different  advance subjects, sometimes I struggle to communicate my thoughts,  and get teased. Your acting really inspires me to work hard on my disability. Another thing that I struggle with a disability is when some friends, some peers of friends, and other people get judgmental about me having a disability. Your acting in tv shows really inspires me to work hard on my disability. Also some of your roles in Night Court and McBride  helps me get motivated to understand how friendships works, understand how a sense of humor is important, and many others.

I strongly believe that you are a very talented actor. You do an excellent job making your characters have different unique traits.  You have inspired me to be a fan of your acting, work hard on my disability, try to understand how friendships works, and many others.  Here is a small donation for you to use to fund the arts.  Thanks for taking the time to read my letter, doing an excellent job acting, and inspiring me.  I wish you the best in the future in acting.


Matt Winick

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