Thursday, June 27, 2019

Mr. Christopher Gorham Actor Covert Affairs


Mr. Christopher Gorham
Insatiable Season 2 (Until Jun 25 2019)
c/o EUE/Screen Gems Studio
175 Lakewood Way SW
Atlanta, GA  30315

Dear Mr. Gorham,

My name is Matt Winick and I’m a fan of your acting.  My favorite tv show that you played in was Covert Affairs.  Covert Affairs was a great tv show on USA Network about Annie Walker, a young CIA trainee who is sent to work in the Domestic Protection Division to stop terrorism across the globe including in her home country.  Mr. Gorham, I thought you did an excellent job portraying as August Auggie Anderson because I liked on how you made him have different unique traits like working hard to overcome different challenges on his disability which is blind to help the agency, being a mentor to Annie to help provide tips or knowledge to help her on the field, and being loyal to his own team when they face politics.  In Covert Affairs I enjoyed watching season1 through 5 because I like seeing how Annie would work on improving herself in the spy world while balancing her personal life, seeing Auggie and Annie have a friendship including partnership along with being in a relationship, and many others. 

Mr. Gorham, I have autism with a learning disability. Having a disability is hard for me because I have trouble comprehending on learning different advance subjects, sometimes I struggle to communicate my thoughts, and get teased.  Your character Auggie on working to overcome his disability in Covert Affairs really inspires me to work hard on my disability.  Also Covert Affairs show helped me continue my interest in watching spy theme movies including tv shows like 007 James Bond movies.

I strongly believe that you are a very talented actor. You do such an excellent job making your character Auggie in Covert Affairs have different unique traits.  You have inspired me to work hard on my disability and be a fan of Covert Affairs.  I was wondering if you could please take the time to answer some of my questions that I have.  Thanks for taking the time to read my letter and doing an excellent job acting. I wish you the best.


Matt Winick

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