Saturday, June 8, 2019

Ms. Naomie Harris actress

Ms. Naomie Harris
Bond 25 (March 4 2019-May 15 2019)
c/o Pinewood Studios 
Pinewood Road
Iver Heath

Dear Ms. Harris,

My name is Matt Winick and I’m a fan of your acting. My favorite movies that you played in were Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom, 007  Skyfall, and 007 Spectre.  Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom was a great biopic movie about Nelson Mandela’s life on how he work hard overcome his struggles to advocate for the need to end apartheid in South Africa.  You did an excellent job portraying as Winnie Mandela because I liked on how you made her  a great historical figure like caring about her husband Nelson Mandela  when he faces discrimination including facing difficult times when he is in prison for speaking out against apartheid and continuing the work to combat against apartheid when Nelson Mandela is in jail.  The movie did an excellent job explaining what South Africa was like when Africans were suffering to discrimination in the apartheid laws,  how Neslon Mandela along with Winnie Mandela worked hard to fight for African rights including combat against the apartheid movement.   In 007 Skyfall and 007 Spectre, I enjoy the plot of the James Bond movies about how James Bond works to stop different organizations that are trying to destroy the world.   Ms. Harris, you do such an excellent job making Ms. Eve Moneypenny  a great character in the bond films because I liked on how you made Ms. Mooneypenny have different unique traits like caring about James Bond’s wellbeing when he has a struggle on a mission, being resourceful at different information to provide 007 with help on the mission, and many others.   Another thing is I think that you and Mr. Daniel Craig do an excellent job making Ms. Moneypenny and James Bond a great team.

Ms. Harris, I have autism with a learning disability. Having a disability is hard for me because I have trouble comprehending on learning different advance subjects, sometimes I struggle to communicate my thoughts, and get teased. Your acting really inspires me to work hard on my disability.   Also your role in Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom helps me continue my motivation to continue to learn history. In history I like to learn about how famous people or different individuals (minorities, women, and people with disabilities) work hard to make a great difference, the need for human rights including civil rights to reduce discrimination, protect the environment from pollution, and many others. Also I’m a James Bond fan because I liked on how James Bond would have a sense of humor, use gadgets to help him on missions, and many others.

I strongly believe that you are a very talented actress.  You really do such an excellent job making characters have great traits.  Another thing is you did a great job making Ms. Moneypenny a great bond character. You have inspired me to work hard on my disability, be motivated to continue to learn history, and continue being a James Bond fan. I was wondering if you could please take the time to answer some of my questions.  Thanks for taking the time to read my letter, doing an excellent job acting, and inspiring me.  I wish you the best to continue acting and to continue to make Bond movies fun  to watch.


Matt Winick

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