Sunday, June 2, 2019

Ms. Susan Sarandon actress

Ms. Susan Sarandon
Happy Talk (April 30 2019-June 16 2019)
c/o The Alice Griffin Jewel Box Theater
The Pershing Square Signature Center
480 West 42nd Street
New York, NY   10036

Dear Ms. Sarandon,

My name is Matt Winick and I’m a fan of your acting. My favorite movies that you played in were The Buddy System, Bull Durham,  Lorenzo’s Oil,  Little Women,  and James and the Giant Peach.   Lorenzo’s Oil was a great movie based on a true story about two parents Augusto and Michaela Odone who are in a search for  a cure for their son who has Lorenzo’s adrenoleukodystophy (ALD). In the movie, I thought you did an excellent job portraying as Michaela Odone because I liked on how you made her have different unique traits like working hard to overcome her difficulties in taking care of her son who has ALD and continuing to work with her husband Augusto  including Professor Gus Nikolais to try to find a cure for the disease when they face obstacles like medical, research groups, and support groups wouldn’t have faith in them.  James and the Giant Peach was a great Disney movie about a boy named James who escapes from his cruel aunts who are abusive to a peach where he befriends anthropomorphic bugs (Mr. Grasshopper, Mr. Centipede, Mrs. Ladybug, Miss Spider, Earthworm, and Glowworm) to go to the Empire State Building to visit NYC. Ms. Sarandon, I liked on how you made Miss Spider a great character with awesome traits like caring about James when he faces his own struggles on trying to get away from abuse,  helping James have a friendships with the other bugs when he struggles to fit in, and many others. James in the Giant Peach had great symbolisms like the need for friendships when times are hard, someone who is different should be accepted with other things or people in society, and many others. 

Besides your acting career, I truly appreciate on how you are an activist to improve social justice including society. In your activism I like on how you support Civil Rights including people with disabilities’ rights causes to reduce discrimination, raise awareness for environmental protection   to reduce pollution, advocate for women’s rights, and many others.  Ms. Sarandon, I have autism with a learning disability. Having a disability is hard for me because I have trouble comprehending on learning different advance subjects, sometimes I struggle to communicate my thoughts, and get teased.  Another thing that I struggle with a disability is when I have trouble with friendships due to some friends including peers of friends get judgmental about me being different.  Your commitment to be a strong supporter along with an advocate for civil rights including people with disabilities’ rights causes really inspires me to work hard on my disability.  Also your role as Miss Spider in James and The Giant Peach helps give me some motivation to try to understand how friendship works when there is difficulty.   

I strongly believe that you are a very talented actress. You do such an excellent job  making your characters have different unique traits.  Also I really like on how you are an activist to support civil rights, environmental protection, and many others.  You have truly inspire me to work hard on my disability and to understand how friendships works.  I was wondering if you could please give me some advice about working hard on my disability on a sheet of paper.  Here is a small donation for you to use to help your activism. Also here is a picture of me in NYC Brooklyn Bridge for you to keep for inspiring me.  Thanks for taking the time to read my letter, doing an excellent job acting along with make a great difference for your activism, and inspiring me. Please continue to work hard to make a great difference for society.

Matt Winick

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