Saturday, September 7, 2019

Honorable Jill Wine-Banks from Illinois

Honorable Jill Wine-Banks
P.O. Box 5204
Evanston, IL  60204

Dear Honorable Wine-Banks,

My name is Matt Winick from Ann Arbor, Michigan and I have a strong interest in learning history including social justice. In these subjects, I like to learn the need to make civil rights stronger to reduce discrimination, protect the environment from pollution, have criminal justice reform to help protect people’s rights while reduce crime, and many others.  Honorable Wine-Banks, the main reason I’m writing you a letter is to explain how I find your work when you were part of the Watergate prosecution team, as General Counsel of the Army, and your activism to be very inspiring to me.

When you served on the Watergate prosecution team, I like I’m how you work with the other team including the prosecutors to work on gathering evidence tapes from some of the people from the Pres. Richard Nixon’s administration that had committed corruption and how you cross examinated Rose Mary about the Watergate tapes.. During Pres. Jimmy Carter’s presidency, I like and how you accepted Pres. Carter to nominate you to serve as general counsel of the army to help him improve a military. In 1977 I was amazed at how you made history of becoming the first woman to serve as general counsel of the military. When you had served in the General Counsel of the military from 1977 to 1980, I liked an how you work on expanding civil rights division units to help investigate any discrimination claims in the military to help protect women and minorities and people disabilities from being discriminated, also I like and how you implemented anticorruption unit to help investigate any corruption in the military including put a fan on gifts to the staff members of the general counsel of the army from lobbyist. Another thing that I liked about you served as general counsel of the army, was how you were a strong advocate for the need to protect women for being discriminated in the military based on gender and support programs to help victims of crime are victims of domestic violence to help them get assistance on dealing with the trauma. Also I like on how you work with Pres. Jimmy Carter to help him pardon the Vietnam War dodge drafters and expanded medical care services to help veterans including people who serve wars to get the proper treatment.    After you left public service, I liked on how you are a continuous strong supporter of civil rights including people with disabilities’ rights, advocate for the need for strong ethics reform to help reduce corruption, and many others.

Honorable Wine-Banks, I have autism with a learning disability. Having a disability is hard for me because I have trouble comprehending on learning different advance subjects, sometimes I struggle to communicate my thoughts, and get teased.  Your commitment to be a strong supporter of Civil Rights including people with disabilities’ rights really inspires me to work hard  on my disability. Your role on the Watergate prosecution team, as General Counsel of the Army, and as an activist gives me motivation to continue learn history including social justice. My future goal is to someday work in these areas to help emphasize the need to make civil rights stronger to reduce discrimination, protect the environment from pollution, and  many others.  

I strongly believe that you made a great difference in public service.  I’m very proud on how you worked hard to support civil rights, push for military reform, advocate for ethics reform, and many others. You have inspire me to work hard on my disability and to continue to learn history including social justice. Thanks for taking the time to read my letter, working hard to make a great difference, and inspiring me. Please continue to advocate for common sense ideas.


Matt Winick

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