
Friday, March 13, 2020

Mr. Kyle Chandler Actor (Early Edition and Friday Night Lights)


Mr. Kyle Chandler
Good Morning Midnight (Until Feb 2020)
c/o Shepperton Studios
Studios Road
Shepperton, TW17 OQD

Mr. Chandler,

My name is Matt Winick and I’m a fan of your acting. My favorite tv shows that you played in was Early Edition and Friday Night Lights. Early Edition was a great tv show about Gary Hobson who received a Chicago Sun-Times newspapers a day in advance to help him understand a future and uses this knowledge to help a person.  In Early Edition,  I liked on how Gary would work with his friends to help a person who is need or stop a crisis and work on friendships when there are differences. Mr. Chandler, I thought you did an excellent job making Gary Hobson a great character with different unique traits like wanting to help people when they have struggles, try to find solutions when there are problems, and working on his friendships with his friends, and many others.  The show had a great message about the need for friendships when times are hard, when people are in need of help or guidance they should get help, learn from your mistakes to be a better person, and many others.   I enjoyed watching season 1 through 4. Another show that I liked was Friday Night Lights. Friday Night Lights was another show that I liked because I liked the plot of the show about Eric Taylor, a football coach and his Tami Taylor, a wife who move to a small town in Texas where Taylor coaches the football high school team while his wife works in the school and they both have to deal with life.   In Friday Night Lights, I liked on how you made Eric Taylor have traits like caring about his football team players when they deal with life, standing up against racism including bullying, and caring about high school students that deal with hard times. I had fun watching season 1 through 5 on Friday Night Lights because I enjoy seeing how Eric Taylor and his wife would work hard to make a difference.

Besides your acting career, I like on how you are an activist for civil rights including people with disabilities’ rights causes to reduce discrimination. Mr. Chandler, I have autism with a learning disability.  Having a disability is hard for me because I have trouble comprehending learning different advance subjects, sometimes I struggle to communicate my thoughts,  and get teased.  Also another thing that I struggle with a disability is when I struggle with friendships when peers of them get judgmental about me being different.  Your commitment to be a strong supporter of civil rights including people with disabilities’ rights causes really inspires me to work hard on my disability. Your role as Gary Hobson in Early Edition and as Eric Taylor in Friday Night Lights helps give me some motivation to learn how friendships work, help people when they have difficulty, and work hard when I face different challenges.

I strongly believe that you are a vey talented actor. You do such an excellent job making your characters have different unique traits. You have inspire me to work hard on my disability, try my best to learn how to make a difference, and be a fan of your acting including tv shows that you played in.   I was wondering if you could please give me some advice about how to work hard when I face different challenges.  Thanks for taking the time to read my letter, working hard to make a difference, and inspiring me. Please continue to make a difference in acting and society.


Matt Winick

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